

Booklets are small books which can be used for branding, training and a myriad of other functions. Depending on your company's unique needs and marketing strategy, having a booklet created can help catapult your campaign. 

Here are several ideas in which a booklet would be promising:

 Inform your prospects by having a booklet created with information that solves their problem or concern. This will eventually lead to more sales as customers are now mindful of your expertise, products and/or services.

Books can be used as a fundraising campaign--resold to generate more income by those interested in selling them for a profit.

Establish trust with your target market by giving them something they can perceive as valuable. What is more valuable than a physical booklet with helpful or highly sought-after information?

Booklets can be sold by your company with a low cost to create and high ROI, thus becoming profit machines!

Booklets can be used to share stories, to train, and inspire best practices among your employees and partners.











I didn't think companies responded
to sales letters anymore. Not only was I wrong, but  our 
ROI increased by 8%    
Ronald Shiverling
Marketing Director
Pros -Vision Inc.


If you ever need a definition of exemplary,
simply look at the articles authored by Jarvis... 
Chateau A.